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Sunday, February 18, 2007

Happy New Year

Happy New Year


Sunday, February 04, 2007

Birthday Party

I went to Jocelyn's birthday party yesterday. It was great fun. Jocelyn's house is BIG!!! I gave her a green dog for her birthday. She loved her dog so much. When I say "Happy Birthday, Jocelyn!" Then I gave her the dog, she said Thank you. It's so nice and cute. Pris asked Jocelyn whether she can borrow her doggie.

In the afternoon, we played games and had gift opening ceremony. Had buffet for our tea break. Sat down and ate, took pictures together and talked to each other. When we were about to have dinner, birthday gal cried because of the 3 boys. I went down and comforted her when I knew she was crying. We continued with the games while waiting for dinner to be served. Took videos while eating, Jocelyn was the first to finish her noodles and she wanted to continue with her games.

Time to go home, Pris was still hugging the dog. Went home at 1010pm and reached at 1020pm. It was an unforgettable day.

Friday, February 02, 2007

Cycling Day

Siao Hui invited to join her at the beach with her mommy and Valerie. Auntie rented 3 bicycles altogether. Told auntie that I couldn't ride that. In the end, she changed it to a 2 two-seaters bicycle. I paired up with Siao Hui while auntie and Valerie teamed up.

After cycling, we went to the beach. We found lots of seashells. While washing it, Valerie accidentally kicked her leg and her shoes flew out into the sea. The waves kept washing her shoes in and out.

It was fun riding and I so-called learnt how to ride a 2 wheel bicycle.

Saturday, January 06, 2007

2007 Resolution

My resolutions for 2007:-
1. Improve my grades
2. At least 2 bands 1s.

Rewards for getting all the above:
1. Overseas trip
2. Chalet
3. Better class in P6

Wednesday, January 03, 2007

1st Day of School

Today after we sang the school song and national anthem, we had to greet the teachers. My class is 5D this year. So glad to be the same with Hui Qi again.

I was surprised that Mr Teo will be my form teacher. We went up to our classroom and discovered that there wasn't any cupboards at all.

We were told to put down our things and lined up again. The boys were asked to reshuffle all the tables and chairs while the girls stayed outside of the classroom.

After we were seated down, Mr Teo told us that we can play all we want because studying isn't the only thing you do.

We had been given Chinese homework by our Chinese teacher :(

Tuesday, January 02, 2007

My Trip

I went to Taiwan on 23Dec06 and returned yesterday. It was a 10 days trip and it was fun. We visited plenty of night markets in Taipei, Kaohsiung and Hualien.

I had my countdown in my hotel at Dan Shui, Taipei. This Joy hotel has JACUZZI. I had so much fun with my brother. Saw live fireworks too. Also, fireworks from Taipei 101. The whole building was like on fire.

I had the chance to visit Sliver Kris Lounge at the Taipei CKS Airport. The flight was full and I got the chance to fly on Business Class. I was seated at 15F.

Monday, October 02, 2006


On Children's Day, teachers perform for us like when we perform for them. We have our so called MC for the day. Once she said,"Let's invite our new teachers on stage!",we all went laughing because Mr Lim, Mr Isnis, 劳老师 and more teachers are dancing sexily. They were dancing.