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Sunday, February 04, 2007

Birthday Party

I went to Jocelyn's birthday party yesterday. It was great fun. Jocelyn's house is BIG!!! I gave her a green dog for her birthday. She loved her dog so much. When I say "Happy Birthday, Jocelyn!" Then I gave her the dog, she said Thank you. It's so nice and cute. Pris asked Jocelyn whether she can borrow her doggie.

In the afternoon, we played games and had gift opening ceremony. Had buffet for our tea break. Sat down and ate, took pictures together and talked to each other. When we were about to have dinner, birthday gal cried because of the 3 boys. I went down and comforted her when I knew she was crying. We continued with the games while waiting for dinner to be served. Took videos while eating, Jocelyn was the first to finish her noodles and she wanted to continue with her games.

Time to go home, Pris was still hugging the dog. Went home at 1010pm and reached at 1020pm. It was an unforgettable day.


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