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Thursday, August 31, 2006


Monday, August 28, 2006

Twin - 老鼠爱大米 MV

Not Guo Mei Mei version......Cantonese version can be found in my mummy's blog

One of My Favourite Songs -童 話

童 話 sung by 光 良

Sunday, August 27, 2006

Daniel Powter - Bad Day MTV

Saturday, August 26, 2006

Pasir Ris Chalet

Received an invitation from Qiqi to her mum's company's chalet. There were alot of people. Get to know new friends such as Andy and Danny aka DNA.

Ate mashed potatoes, jellies, fried rice and bee hoon. Went home quite late. Enjoyed myself very much.

Wednesday, August 16, 2006

Happy Day

My list of MSN is getting longer as each day passes.

Sunday, August 13, 2006

Dinner @ Crystal Jade PW

Had my dinner @ Crystal Jade Parkway today with my mum, brother and 外婆. We ordered some dishes. After eating, I ordered my FAVourite dessert - Honey Dew Sago.
Yummy, Yummy!!!
Honey Dew Sago

Saturday, August 12, 2006

Ying Ping's Birthday Party

I went to Huihui's house to meet up with her. We went to Ying Ping's condo together. Her condo is along Dunman Road.

It was FUN playing with water bombs, board games & the sparkle. All our swimsuits are BLUE in colour.

During the party, we bbq our own marshmellows. Our birthday girl unwrapped her gifts in our presence. We saw fireworks in her parent's master room.

People present: Priscilla, Hui Qi, Siao Hui, Gina & ME.

Daniel Powter Lyrics - Bad Day

Where is the moment when we need it the most
You kick up the leaves and the magic is lost
They tell me your blue sky's faded to grey
They tell me your passion's gone away
And I don't need no carrying on

You stand in the line just to hit a new low
You're faking a smile with the coffee to go
You tell me your life's been way off line
You're falling to pieces every time
And I don't need no carrying on

Cause you had a bad day
You're taking one down
You sing a sad song just to turn it around
You say you don't know
You tell me don't lie
You work at a smile and you go for a ride
You had a bad day
The camera don't lie
You're coming back down and you really don't mind
You had a bad day
You had a bad day

Well you need a blue sky holiday
The point is they laugh at what you say
And I don't need no carrying on

You had a bad day
You're taking one down
You sing a sad song just to turn it around
You say you don't know
You tell me don't lie
You work at a smile and you go for a ride
You had a bad day
The camera don't lie
You're coming back down and you really don't mind
You had a bad day
You had a bad day

Sometimes the system goes on the blink and the whole thing it turns
out Wrong
You might not make it back and you know that you could be well oh
that Strong
Well I'm not wrong

So where is the passion when you need it the most
Oh you and I
You kick up the leaves and the magic is lost

Cause you had a bad day
You're taking one down
You sing a sad song just to turn it around
You say you don't know
You tell me don't lie
You work at a smile and you go for a ride
You had a bad day
You see what you like
And how does it feel, one more time
You had a bad day
You had a bad day
You had a bad day

Wednesday, August 09, 2006


Today was National Day. Hui Qi brought me to her auntie's place .I had BBQ party during the night there and I helped out also. It was fun. We saw fireworks while helping out.There were a lot of people there. We had satay,chicken wings,prawns,squid and more. Of course, there were drinks too!

Hui Min, Jin Jer, Zheng Long & Zheng Yong were also present.

Hello Kitty Flight

It's so cute :)

Eva Air

Tuesday, August 08, 2006

Sports Day

On sports day for me it is very fun because I had skipping competition on that day.I joined the Marathon competition. It is very hard for me to win because there are a lot of people in the competition. Chun Yen won first in the girls Marathon competition. Second is Lousia. That is all I know.

Saturday, August 05, 2006

Fireworks @ Marina Bay

Were the fireworks beautiful? I think I liked it. It was a spectacular sight!!!

My 1st Blog

Hip Hip Hurray!!! Finally, I have my own blog.......